Massage Services

Strength that has effort in it is not what you need; you need the strength that is the result of ease
— Dr. Ida Rolf

Structural Integration/MFR — $140

Structural Integration is a method of soft/connective tissue bodywork, designed by Dr. Ida Rolf, dedicated to restoring balance and resilience to overused muscles or “fascia”. Structural Integration uses slow, deep strokes to lengthen and release short tissue, re-aligning the blocks of the structure and ultimately obtaining balance throughout. This method also greatly increases range of motion and joint mobility, improves performance and helps to create a body free from the restraints of everyday life. This process greatly reduces the chronic pain and discomfort brought about by repetitive stress in the workplace or every day life, while helping restore balance. Sessions can be done individually or as a series of 10.

Each session in the “10” series is dedicated to a different part of the body, systematically lengthening tissue while realigning the structure to create a sense of ease and lightness throughout. Spot work sessions are dedicated to areas of concern or chronic discomfort.

Intuitive/Therapeutic Bodywork — $125

Therapeutic/Intuitive Bodywork combines multiple techniques and modalities designed to address not only the physical structure but the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well. Each session is tailored to address the needs and concerns of each individual and designed to create balance, restore optimum health and bring about relief from pain, stress and tension.

Regardless of our lifestyles and activity levels, our day to day lives and high stress levels can lead to the tightening and overuse of muscles, creating an imbalance in the physical structure and disrupting harmony in our bodies. Just as professional athletes use muscle memory to achieve optimum performance, anything we do repetitively sends a similar signal to our brains, telling it to shift and change the structure in response to this repetitive action or continued stress. Unfortunately, this frequently results in a structure that in disharmony; out of balance and inefficient. This can be anything from regular physical activity to sitting in front of a computer for hours a day. Professional athletes have trainers and therapists to keep them in optimum health due to the high stress put on the structure by these repetitive motions. Without guidance the body is left to its own devices to attempt to create balance from chaos. These methods are not reserved for only those with an active lifestyle. Nobody is immune to the effects of stress and everybody can benefit from regular bodywork to maintain mental and physical health. 

Massage therapy takes a look at the body and restores balance to the structure, reducing stress and tension while also making the body a more efficient machine, allowing the body to perform at its best while maintaining a pain free environment. 

Zero Balancing — $125

Developed in the 1970s by Fritz Smith, MD, Zero balancing (ZB) is a body-mind therapy that uses skilled touch to balance the body's energy fields and structure. ZB recognizes bone as a living tissue and focuses on the bone energy of specific foundational joints in the skeletal system combining osteopathic manipulation techniques and Eastern theory.

ZB teaches that the deepest currents of energy are in bone, that memory is held in tissue, and that energy fields in the body underlie mind, body, and emotions. ZB invites the client to experience a deep state of relaxation and sense of self that stays with them long after the session has ended. This glimpse into our “natural state” allows the body to release old patterns and re-organize around this new state of being while creating a sense of lightness in the structure.

ZB is a hands-on body/mind system designed to enhance health and well being; evaluating and treating the whole person rather than focusing on symptoms and is effective in helping to integrate the effects of many kinds of therapies.

A ZB session is received through clothing and lasts 45 - 60 minutes. It is gentle for both client and practitioner using techniques such as gentle lifting, pressing, or stretching with particular attention being paid to the bone.