Space: The final frontier…
Okay, as you have likely already guessed, I’m not here to talk about voyaging to strange galaxies far, far away. I am instead talking about a different kind of system: our internal environment and the roll that space plays in defining how we feel at any given moment and how that can drastically affect how we view and live life.
Space is a word that has many different meanings depending on context. Whether we are referring to outer space, a parking space, personal space or losing focus and spacing out. When I think of space as a Structural Bodyworker, I imagine muscles, tendons, joints and how when all are working in harmony proper alignment creates space in our structures. But this is only part of how space affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Just as our fascia learns over time to respond to what we “tell it” to do determined by our every day activities and postures, our internal environment behaves very similarly. It is directly tied in to the space within and around us and it is ever changing based on what is happening in our world and how we have conditioned ourselves to react over time. We often respond to external stimuli instinctively or automatically with little or no thought beforehand. I remember hearing something years ago that really drives this point home: When you squeeze an orange, what comes out? A silly question to be sure. The answer is obviously orange juice. But what happens when WE get squeezed or feel pressure? How we react is a reflection of our internal environment and what we are carrying in our “space”. How muddied have you become internally, and how far is your current state from where you want it to be or from what you would call your ideal self?
How can you begin to create some harmony in your inner world that will help you better enjoy your outer environment and day to day existence? As with most things, it begins with a decision. The latin root of decision means to cut off, which means it’s time to remove that which no longer serves you and create a new path; honoring yourself and setting healthy boundaries and habits. To create a “space”, within and without, that you can thrive in and be proud of. A life of joyful expression and authenticity.
All of this is perfect timing as Autumn is the time for transformation, introspection and new beginnings. Now is the time to really dig deep, embody change and create some space in your world for yourself. If you can begin to envision those things you want to see in your life and make small steps, daily, you can begin to make that vision a reality.
So if you’re willing, I invite you to take some time to reflect on where you are right now; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Be honest about what you’re noticing and feeling as you look within and ask yourself if you could make some more space in your world for YOU, because you’re worth it.
As always, if I can be of assistance in any way on your path to becoming more balanced, whole and in tune with your true nature, please let me know.